Monday, July 11, 2011

Outreach with Fellowship of Christian Outdoorsmen

Backwater Legacies Inc. (BWL) traveled north to Lebanon, Indiana for an Outreach Hogroast Luncheon with Fellowship of Christian Outdoorsmen (FCO).  We had a terrific time with all the children and their parents.   BWL brought archery equipment and .22 caliber rifles for the kids to learn archery and rifle skills.  The warm weather was beautiful without a cloud in the sky.
Children and adults spent the afternoon, swimming, playing yard games, shooting rifle targets and flinging a few dozen arrows.  Some were shooting rifle or bow for the first time in their lives.  This was a special time for all of us indeed!
The meal was absolutely fabulous with thanks going out to the many families that prepared home cooked goodies and desserts.  We also wish to thank Jim Jones of Spencer, IN.  Jim spent the entire night preparing and cooking the hog dinner, a fantastic job Jim!!
The adults had a chance to weigh in on the shooting fun as well, making the entire atmosphere a warm and welcome event.
FCO has a super program and their fellowship and willingness to serve the Lord is outstanding. We encourage all to visit their website: and we look forward to assisting FCO and many more Christian programs in the near future.  God Bless you guys for all you do and we look forward to seeing you on the trail!

Paul Anderson
Backwater Legacies Inc.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Traditional Lessons

In addition to the Hunting Classes and Shooting Sports Training, the Cadets are exposed to the vintage hunting practices of our ancestors.  We give special thanks to Glenn McClain and his clan from Thunder Mountain Rendezvous for educating the kids about Black Powder firearms and sharing some American history with the youth.  The men are very kind to let the children fire the guns, which makes for an entertaining afternoon.

 We also wish to thank John Good - "Papaw John" - for teaching the kids how to start a fire with flint & steel.  The children were amazed that one could actually take a stone from the ground and strike a spark that would eventually lead to Warmth and a way to cook lunch!!  John also taught the kids how to throw tomahawks and knives.

The children are also taught to make bow strings and arrows from scratch!  As you could imagine,  these are very popular activities at the Youth Hunter's Academy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tribute to Academy Girls

The 2011 Youth Hunter's Academy brought many fresh, new faces this summer, including 7 outstanding and inspiring young ladies.  These girls did a fine job and were a welcome crew to the list of 2011 Cadets!
Some even out-scored the boys!  First year cadet, Shania Davis was the best in all 3 Cadet Classes this year in Rifle and passed her Rifle Merit Range Test (MRT) on her first attempt.  Shania also took home the top prize as Turkey Calling Champion. Way to go Shania!

We also wish to thank Destiny Hackler and Cassey Jostes for assisting with the mess hall this year and for letting us dress them up in camo for their Crossbow Lessons :)  You girls were a tremendous help and we hope to see you again next season.

Congratulations on a great Youth Hunter's Academy, Ashley, Erin, Lexi, Shania, Shannon, Cassey and Destiny! Have a great summer girls and we look forward to seeing you and more of your friends along next summer.


The Backwater Legacies Inc. Staff

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Tent Sale!

We wish to extend our thanks to MC Sports for their hospitality at their Annual Memorial Weekend Tent Sale.   We met some great folks and hopefully some future Academy Cadets.

Denise.....the burgers were FANTASTIC!

Only two weeks left before the Youth Hunter's Academy!!  Be sure to sign up today!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Memorial Day!

We will be at MC Sports in Bloomington on Friday, May 27th through Sunday, May 28th for their annual Tent Sale and fundraising event for Riley Hospital.  There will be hotdogs & refreshments with proceeds going to help the children at Riley Hospital.

Please stop by and see our booth inside the store.  We will be available to answer any questions about the up coming YOUTH HUNTER'S ACADEMY in Morgantown, Indiana.  There are still a few spots left for any child wishing to attend this summer's event.

We Hope to See You There!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hunter Education Class in Paragon, IN

Backwater Legacies Inc. will be holding an Indiana Hunter Education Class on Monday, May 16th & on Wednesday, May 18th from 5PM - 10PM.  The class will be held in Paragon, IN at the following address:

Paragon Volunteer Fire Dept.
101 E. Union Street
Paragon, IN  46166

Anyone needing to get their Indiana Hunter Education Certification may attend the class.  Refreshments will be provided.  Please contact Will Davis for details on the class:

Will Davis - 812-606-2684

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Forty-Three Pass the Hunter Ed Class!

Congratulations to all the students that participated in the Hunter Education Class held at Owen Valley High School in Spencer, IN.

There were 43 students that passed their tests and achieved their certification to hunt in the State.  We wish to thank County Officer Dale Clark and the other officers that assisted and fielded questions on hunting laws.  We also extend our thanks to Owen Valley High School for hosting the course.

A Job Well Done!!

We will be hosting another class in Paragon, IN on May 16th and 18th.  Look for our Blog update soon!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hunter Education Classes

For Youth still needing to complete their Certification for Indiana Hunter's Education:

Backwater Legacies Inc. will be assisting with the instruction of Two Hunter Education Classes offered this month of April. 

(1) - Friday, April 15th (5pm - 9pm) & Saturday, April 16th (9am - 5pm) at the Presnell Plantation in Morgantown, Indiana.

(2) - Tuesday, April 19th (5pm - 10pm) & Thursday, April 21st (5pm - 10pm) at Owen Valley Highschool in Spencer, Indiana.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Get Gun Smart!

SUNDAY (10am - 1pm)

Backwater Legacies Inc. is presenting a Handgun Educational Seminar this Sunday at MC Sports in Bloomington, IN.

The seminar will run from 10am - 1pm.  We will be cooking Hotdogs and Hamburgers outside the store!  MC Sports is also having a HUGE Spring Sale. 

Come on down an join us with firearms expert Steve Calvert for an entertaining and educational afternoon.