Sunday, January 22, 2012

Shania Bags Her First Buck!

Shania Davis of Ellettsville, Indiana bagged her first deer this past December with a 50 caliber muzzleloader.  Backwater Legacies Chairman, Paul Anderson assisted Shania on the hunt.
Not a bad looking trophy for a 16 year old lady, especially for her first deer!  Shania attends Edgewood High School in Ellettsville and has attended the Backwater Legacies Youth Hunting Clinics for the last three seasons.  Her marksmanship is superb and it proved to be beneficial when this bruiser came into view.
Congratulations Shania!  See you at the Youth Hunter's Academy this summer!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Award Winners

Winners of the Red Cross 3D Archery Benefit Shoot held at the Presnell Plantation in Morgantown, Indiana, Saturday, September 3rd.  Top Picture: finishing 1st and 3rd were Dan Law and his son Dan.  Lower Picture:  finishing in 2nd place was Donnie Beasely.  Congratulations to all three gentlemen.
We wish to thank all those that attended in support of the American Red Cross.  Your time and contributions were valued and appreciated.  Many of those in need will benefit from your generous donation.

Youth Ministry Clay Shoot

Youth Members and friends of Northside Christian Church in Bloomington, Indiana participated in a fantastic day of Sporting Clays at the Presnell Plantation in Morgantown, IN.
The kids had the opportunity to make new acquaintences, enjoy cook-out in the great outdoors and share an inspiring devotional before knocking down some clay birds later in the evening.
Newer shooters caught on quickly after taking instructions and the more experienced shooters were having a terrific time as well.  The targets were challenging, yet enjoyable.
It was definitely a great night of friendly shooting and entertainment for us all.
We thank Northside Christian Church for continuing to support our Youth Ministry program.